Perheentalo group activities

Baby and toddler club
Baby and toddler club is a group where parents can share experiences from parenthood and talk with other parents and families. In the peer support group you will get tips and knowledge i.e. about parenthood and how to interact with your child.
Baby club: Thursdays at 13-15 (for families with under 1 year old babys.)
Toddler club: Wednesdays at 9-12. (for families with 1-3 year old kids.
Please note that during holiday season (week 10 and 42) and during summertime (June- July) there is no group activities.
The group is open for all families and you don't need to sign up for the group. You can also join the group any time. Perheentalo staff will be there as a leader of the group.
More infos: Riitta Kokkonen, 044 788 9539

Handicraft club for mothers
Handicraft club is a group for mothers who are interested in doing handwork. The group gathers together on tuesdays at 17:30-19:30 The group is meant only for parents/mothers and it's organized by volunteers.
Welcome to spend creative time with handicrafts and other mothers.
More infos from Irene (volunteer)
p. 044 5625297
Family - group
Family group gathers once in a month. The group is meant for families with under 7 year old kids that need special support in their everyday life. The families will get peer support and activities for their everyday life. The group will gather in Perheentalo, or on its surroundings. The group is organized in cooperation with Vauhti- project (TaTu ry) and Perheentalo and one of the Perheentalo leaders will be there in the group.
The meeting dates and more of the Vauhti-projects website

Siili-families is a peer support group for families with special needs. The group is led by the volunteers.
Thursdays at 17:30-19:30
(Always the last thursday of the month)
More infos from the group:
fb: Siiliperheet -vertaisryhmä